The Olives

The Olives

One’s first encounter with the olive groves is associated with the Odyssey…

One’s first encounter with the olive groves is associated with the Odyssey, and up until an all too advanced age I had not even seen such a forest in person – due to obvious reasons related to the barbed wire on the Bulgarian border. The trees themselves emanate a sensation of sanctity when you’re among them. One feels as if inside a temple when one enters an olive forest. Their twisting trunks with their distinctive gnarled bark, as well as their elegant foliage are that deific beauty that makes you thank something of yet unknown.

Of the olive trees could have become a great exhibition, but sadly Van Gough has already drained the last drop of myrrh from them. So stupendous are his works they are beyond compare….

What my Greek exhibition will be like remains for you to see from the 4th of October to the 22nd of December 2023, if you decide to pay a visit to my studio at Factory 126 on Maria Luisa 126 boulevard, where I’ve transformed the space into a fitting gallery.

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